Track shipments when you shop online
One of the important things that interests online shoppers is whether the ordered (and paid) product is headed, where it is, and when it arrived at your local post office.
This is especially important for products that are sent by regular mail, sometimes traveling for 20 to 30 days, and sometimes longer.
Additionally, if you have purchased something online and are wondering when it will be delivered to you, then you can enter a tracking number on the TrackRu website to find out where the package is.
For example, you have a mailer for which you have a tracking number
UI181037258CN (otherwise, this is the real number one of my shipment).
if you go to TrackRu and enter the number, the software will recognize which vendor it is, will direct us and show history
(of course, choose the language that suits you first, I chose Serbian)
and you got all the information, simple and useful, didn't you?
Praćenje pošiljki kad kupujete Online
Jedna od važnih stvari koje kupce proizvoda Online interesuju je da li je poručeni (i plaćeni) proizvod krenuo, gde se nalazi, i kada je stigao u lokalnu poštu.
Ovo je naročito važno za proizvode koji se šalju regularnom poštom, i koji nekada putuju po 20 do 30 dana, a nakad i duže.
Pored toga, ako ste nešto kupili na Internetu i pitate se kada će vam to biti dostaviljeno, onda možete da unesete broj za praćenje na veb lokaciji TrackRu da biste saznali gde je paket.
Na primer, imate pošilju za koju imate tracking broj
UI181037258CN (inače, ovo je realan broj jedne moje pošilje).
ako odete na TrackRu i upišete broj, softver će sam prepoznati o kom dostavljaču se radi, usmeriće nas i prikazati istoriju
(naravno, prvo odaberite jezik koji vama odgovara, ja sam odabrao srpski)
i dobili ste sve informacije, jednostavno i korisno, zar ne ?
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