

уторак, 6. август 2019.

Track shipments when you shop online - Praćenje pošiljki kad kupujete online

Track shipments when you shop online
One of the important things that interests online shoppers is whether the ordered (and paid) product is headed, where it is, and when it arrived at your local post office.

This is especially important for products that are sent by regular mail, sometimes traveling for 20 to 30 days, and sometimes longer.

Additionally, if you have purchased something online and are wondering when it will be delivered to you, then you can enter a tracking number on the TrackRu website to find out where the package is.

For example, you have a mailer for which you have a tracking number
UI181037258CN (otherwise, this is the real number one of my shipment).

if you go to TrackRu and enter the number, the software will recognize which vendor it is, will direct us and show history

(of course, choose the language that suits you first, I chose Serbian)

 and you got all the information, simple and useful, didn't you?


Praćenje pošiljki kad kupujete Online

Jedna od važnih stvari koje kupce proizvoda Online interesuju je da li je poručeni (i plaćeni) proizvod krenuo, gde se nalazi, i kada je stigao u lokalnu poštu.
Ovo je naročito važno za proizvode koji se šalju regularnom poštom, i koji nekada putuju po 20 do 30 dana, a nakad i duže.  

Pored toga, ako ste nešto kupili na Internetu i pitate se kada će vam to biti dostaviljeno, onda možete da unesete broj za praćenje na veb lokaciji TrackRu da biste saznali gde je paket.
Na primer, imate pošilju za koju imate tracking broj
UI181037258CN  (inače, ovo je realan broj jedne moje pošilje).
ako odete na TrackRu i upišete broj, softver će sam prepoznati o kom dostavljaču se radi, usmeriće nas i prikazati istoriju
(naravno, prvo odaberite jezik koji vama odgovara, ja sam odabrao srpski)

i dobili ste sve informacije, jednostavno i korisno, zar ne ?


Moje preduzeće na Google - kako do novih klijenata - My Business on Google

Najkraće, zašto vam treba Moje preduzeće na Google.

Hoćete da klijenti baš vas nađu kad pretražuju Google, da mogu da vide kako 
da dođu do vas, ili da vas pozovu telefonom, ili pošalju poruku 
- može sa Moje preduzeće na Google 

Imate mali biznis, treba vam da imate mali sajt, ali da možete sami da ga menjate, 
kad god vam treba i kad god želite, i da preko tog sajta komunicirate sa kljentima 
- može sa Moje preduzeće  na Google

Želite da postavljate akcije i nove informacije, koje ćete deliti po društvenim 
mrežama, ali bez marketinških agenicja - može sa Moje preduzeće na Google  

Imate potrebu da ponudite vaše proizvode i usluge, i da to potencijalni kupci vide 
- može sa Moje preduzeće na Google  

Ne možete sve sami, treba vam pomoć, povremena ili trajna - postavite Menadžere 
ili Menadžere lokacija, da vam pomognu u komunikaciji sa kupcima, 
i u ažuriranju informacija - može sa Moje preduzeće na Google  

Kako da vidite učinak koji ste napravili, koliko je klijenata reagovalo na vaše akcije, 
i da li ovo uopšte ima smisla, to jest da li mi pomaže u poslu 
- može sa Moje preduzeće na Google  

I sve je ovo besplatno.

Obuka - ne umete sve ovo, malo je komplikovano, ponekad dosadno, treba vam 
povremena tehnička i stručna pomoć 
- može sa Moje preduzeće na Google i sa DRAGANOM (brza.resenja@gmail.com)

Obuku i tehničku i stručnu pomoć plaćate, ali minimalno, i to ako vam treba, 
kad vam treba i ako želite.

Pogledajte primer  https://stojkovic-keramika.business.site/ , a usput i kliknite 
na recenziju, nek bude pozitivna https://g.page/STOJKOVIC-KERAMIKA/review
Link za detaljnije:

In short, why you need My Business on Google.

You want your customers to find you when they search on Google, to see how they 
can reach you, or to call you on the phone, or send a message 
- can from My Business to Google 

You have a small business, you need to have a small site, but you can change 
it yourself, whenever you need it and whenever you want, and communicate with 
clients through that site - you can from Google My Business to Google

Want to post promotions and new information, which you will share across 
social networks, but without marketing agencies 
- you can from Google My Business to Google  

You have a need to offer your products and services, and have potential customers 
see it - you can from Google My Business to Google  

You can't do it all yourself, you need help, occasional or permanent - set up Managers 
or Site Managers to help you communicate with your customers and update your information 
- you can from Google My Business to Google 

How can you see the impact you have made, how many customers have reacted to 
your actions, and does this even make sense, that is, whether it helps me in my business 
- you can from Google My Business to Google

And all this is free.

Training - you don't know all this, it's a little complicated, sometimes boring, you need 
occasional technical and professional help 
- you can with My Business on Google and with DRAGAN (brza.resenja@gmail.com)

You pay for training and technical and professional help, but at a minimum, if you need it, 
 when you need it, and if you want it.

and by the way and click on the review, let it be positive